Like Isn't Enough, You Have To Earn Love

Posted in Redes Sociales

How many likes does your Facebook page have?Facebook stats and engagement

Tens, hundreds, thousands? The total number doesn't matter!

Just 1% of the average brand's Facebook Fans interact with the page regularly. Most people hit like and never come back. 

The only number that is important for a Facebook page is the number of fans who love it.

Love it enough to comment on posts, share content and contribute their own. 

Here's a quick way to work out how many of your fans love you.  

The number of people "talking about this" divided by the Total number of fans x100

What's your ratio?

Our Gran Canaria page has 5514 likes / 2983 people engaged: That's a ratio of 54%

Anything over 10% is OK. Over 20% is good. Over 100% and you have a very cute kitten!

My Ratio is Terrible, What Do I Do?

  • Share more images: Images generate engagement. Good images generate lots of engagement. 
  • Ask easy questions! You fans will answer them: That's engagement and the start of community
  • Post at least three times per day.
  • Address your fans as individuals rather than as a crowd: People use Facebook alone!
  • Be a person not a robot: Say hello, good morning, and good evening to your fans
  • Ask for likes, shares and comments
  • Be funny: People like that
  • Be immediate: "Like if you want to jump in this pool right now"
  • Be first: Share the news, the events, the gossip,the weather
  • Stop talking about yourself and start talking about what your fans want

The key to Facebook success is images. Photos have an instant impact and get shared, liked and commented on more than any other content type. We have thousands of quality Gran Canaria photos and we've just done something cool with them. Click here to visit our new photo package website

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Canary Content es altamente recomendado por Gran Canaria Info.