Anatomy Of A Successful Facebook Post
This photo was the most successful post on our Gran Canaria Facebook page last month. We shared it with the text "Like if you love Amadores Beach :-D"
It received 495 likes, 90 shares and 25 comments, and achieved a total reach over over 13,000.
Here's why:
The Post
- Shows the audience what they want to see
- Is simple in concept with no sales or agenda
The Image
- Shows an iconic spot in Gran Canaria
- Hits the hotspots: Blue sky, beautiful beach, azure water
- Is bright, colourful and well composed
- Is spontaneous and clearly not staged
The Text
- Is short, direct and active
- Is only in one language
- Includes a call to action (like)
- Includes an emoticion
The About Gran Canaria Page
- Is personalized: The team behind it are identified in the header
- Is highly visual: Photos are more frequent than text or link posts
- Is varied: Mixes up text, questions, photos, albums, video and link posts
- Is responsive: Answers questions, communicates with fans
- Posts three to five times per day, and at weekends
We're days away from launching our new photo subscription website for Gran Canaria. Soon you'll be able to download all the photos you need to engage with your social media and web audience at a price that guarantees ROI. See for a preview.